Hope everyone has been having a great 2016 so far! Here's my resolution for the rest of the year:
When I think something nice, say it aloud.
For example, I recently told a startup founder that I thought she is building a really great product. My resolution also works for more trivial things, such as telling someone I like their shoes or jacket (I've done both this week!). For social media, I've been trying to Like more posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (why not?).
Last year I tried to not say anything mean on social media... which proved rather difficult and I certainly failed a few times. It turns out social media seems perfect for griping and complaining! I really didn't stick to the goal as much as I'd hoped, but will continue to try to only say positive and interesting things.
So this year I'll try to say nice things when I think them (honesty! not just saying nice things for no reason) and to refrain from posting anything negative online. I hope it works out!