Originally published on The Pastry Box Project.
Downloaded a new social app. I heard it was interesting and it seems easy enough to check it out. Went to the app store, downloaded the app and there it is on my iPhone home screen.
Okay, nice design. Have to sign up or login to continue. Full name, username, email address. Check. Need a photo of me? Okay I guess I can use this one that I took a couple months ago and still have on my phone.
I wish I had some better photos of myself on my phone. Who ever chooses that option to use the camera RIGHT NOW to take a photo of themselves? Good profile photos take some setup. Duh.
Now let’s find some friends. Connecting with Twitter or Facebook seems dicey. What if this app tweets or posts on my behalf? Facebook Connect ruined everything.
I can search for friends using my phone contacts. Cool. Sadly only a few of my phone contacts are using this app. Oh well, I’ll add them all. I wish I had more female friends to share with. It’s weird to have only early adopter dude friends on this app.
I wish I could invite some friends to use this app. Why can’t I send an email or SMS to invite people? I’m pretty sure Mail and Message functionality is built into iOS.
Okay, so now I have a few friends on this app. Are they good friends of mine or just casual acquaintances? I wonder how these relationships will affect how I use this app?
It would be great to be able to refresh my network at some point. Why doesn’t any app do that? Take me through the friend-finding process again after some period of time?
I’m done playing with the app for now. Closed it out and moved on.
I wonder if I’ll get a push notification soon so I remember that I have this new app?