Since I'm a fan of web data portability, there are a bazillion ways you can get digests of your Pownce data.
For contact lists, there are 3 ways: via XFN on your friends page (, via the API (, and now via a FOAF file (
When Brad asked to have Pownce support FOAF in particular and I did a lot of searching on the internet for super simple RDF FOAF generators.
Turns out the internet is full of parsers and rather devoid of generators. Ponder that for a second.
Anyways, rdflib does a great job of both but it was tough for me to find any examples of FOAF serialization (besides the image on the front page). Whenever I think it's difficult to find something by a quick internet search I feel like I should post something about it.
So here's my FOAF generator:
Note that the user parameter is a Django User model with a custom UserProfile. You can probably easily swap that out with whatever class you're using to represent users. You could also add more fields since this is a pretty bare-bones example.
I'm off to Social Graph Foo Camp this weekend and since it's the first Foo Camp I've ever been invited to, I'm feeling quite excited about it. Free the social graph!?
Update - Per Tom Morris' suggestion, I've updated the rdfs:seeAlso links to URIRefs.